Friday, 26 April 2019

Holiday Reading

Reading 'What every primary school teacher should know about vocabulary' by Dr Jannie van Hees and Prof Paul Nation has been really inspiring! I can't wait to try some of the strategies in my classroom!

Friday, 12 April 2019

Word Wall

Like most classrooms in New Zealand I had a word wall where we put up new or interesting vocabulary.
After speaking to Dr van Hees she suggested that the word wall display be more interactive. As well as having a static, permanent display of new vocabulary,  I now duplicate all the words that go onto the word wall. The extra set of words live in a snaplock bag that is also attached to the wall, but these words are now used by students to test their understanding of vocabulary that they have encountered. We also use these words as an end of the day reflection tool - recapping new words encountered during that day. This is also an opportunity for students from different reading groups to explain to the class about the new vocabulary that they have encountered. This serves as another opportunity for children to interact with new vocabulary.