Thursday, 7 July 2022

Blogpost #6 - Intervention: Implementation & monitoring of new approaches

 We have been reading daily on MyOn since mid April and it is interesting to note that almost a term later and students are really buying into the idea of reading for pleasure, even my reluctant readers are able to find a text that they want to read. It is important to note that even though we are reading for pleasure, the reading has a purpose, students have to complete a quiz on each text that they read and this will gauge their understanding. I want create readers in the class by teaching students how to read, by being a reading role model and by creating a classroom culture where reading for pleasure is encouraged and supported.

We did a pre-test to gauge their ZPD in April and we will be doing another one at the end of the year to see if there has been any growth. 

This was their graphed April results:

We will do en (EoY) test in November to see how much progress has been made. 

We tried using MyOn last year but with the constand Covid-interruptiptions, we didn't quite get off the ground. This year we had a bumpy start, but things are going more smoothly now. Student attendance is still not quite where we would like it (an issue plaguing many schools at the moment), but it is getting better. 

MyOn is for Reading what Hapara is for online monitoring. I am able to see how long students have red for, the results of the quiz they have taken and I can set assignments and assign books to groups or individuals.