Friday, 30 June 2017

Manaiakalani Digital Immersion Intensive - Day 9 - Final Day

I sat my level 1 Google Educator exam today. I obtained 78%, unfortunately 80% is needed to qualify. I'm thrilled at obtaining 78% - I did better than I expected! I'm now really excited and ready to sit the exam again. I have to wait 2 weeks (google's rules, not mine) before I can attempt the exam again. That means I will be sitting the exam in the school holidays - watch this space!

I have learnt so much from Dorothy and James - a huge THANK YOU to you both. I would also like to thank my principal and the school BoT for affording me this amazing opportunity.

Friday, 23 June 2017

Manaiakalani Digital Immersion Intensive - Day 8

Unfortunately I was unable to make class this Friday-stuck in bed with the 'flu. I will use this time to study for my Google Educator level 1 exam. I am really nervous about this exam and am considering opting out!

Friday, 16 June 2017

Manaiakalani Digital Immersion Intensive - Day 7

Today after our usual feedback of what we trialled and how it went, we were fortunate enough to zip off to Pt England to see Pat Snedden receive his Queen's Award.
It was great to see that the student's played such an integral part of the ceremony with beautiful waiata and a rousing haka.

Most of our day was spent going over sites today. We created a site to use to store all our registered teacher criteria evidence.

Monday, 12 June 2017

Manaiakalani Digital Immersion Intensive - Day 6

As usual we started our session with a report back from the week. This is always a great way to start because although we are all learning the same content at this course, it is great to listen to the creative ways other teachers are implementing this new learning in their classes.

Visibility is a great tool for our students to share their learning with their whanau. It is important to set our default to 'public' to enable learning to be visible to all.

We used a Chromecast to cast and share our sites today. This was another great learning opportunity because although we use our Chromecast at home, I had never thought about using it in the classroom - that is something I definitely want to try this week!

Building a site was the hardest but probably most satisfying task to date! Here are the instructions to build your own site - give it a go!

Friday, 2 June 2017

Manaiakalani Digital Immersion Intensive - Day 5

The day started with the group sharing what worked with our classes and what didn't. It was awesome to hear how our tamariki are engaging and challenging themselves with regards to their learning.

We were lucky enough to have Fiona Grant join us and take us through the Manaiakalani Cybersmart programme. One of the things she mentioned was that Cybersmart needed to be a deliberate act of teaching, not relying on the students to pick it up incidentally.

In Week 9 (just 4 weeks away and our final Digital Immersion Intensive day), we all get to sit the Google Educator Level 1 Exam .

The most challenging part of the day for me was creating my own site using html. I was really nervous about this as I had never created a site from scratch on my own!         
Have a look at my first attempt here.