Monday 23 May 2022

Blogpost #3: Preliminary Findings

 "Data use involves the systematic collection and organisation of information and evidence to inform key decision-making in schools. It includes student achievement data from standardised and informal tests, assignments and pieces of classwork, as well as teacher observations, conversations with students, and student voice and feedback. The use of data is central to strategic planning, teacher inquiry and wider improvement work. It forms the basis of formative and summative evaluation of teaching programmes and student progress and achievement."  - The Education Hub

I've decided to use the PAT student achievement data (as this is what Woolf-Fisher uses to compare and track achievement) as an indicator of my student's comprehension ability. The Reading stanines across all year 7 and 8 students ranged from stanine 2 - stanine 6. It was a real struggle to get all students tested as we are still grappling with attendance issues due to the ongoing impact of Covid. I managed to test 18/21 students in Room 6.

Our school School Strategic Learning Goal #1 is:

"To increase the number of ALL students reading at chronological age following on from a disrupted year of learning." With this goal in mind, I didn't choose a target group, but decided to use my entire class.

Here is my Term 1 PAT data (Room 6):

From the available data we can see that only 16.7% (or 3 students) are currently operating at or above the expected curriculum level.

Here is my Term 1 PAT data (Room 7):

From the available data we can see that only 21.1% (or 4 students) are currently operating at the expected curriculum level.


Timperley, H. (n.d.). Using evidence in the classroom for professional learning. Retrieved from:

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